Silence, by Shusaku Endo, and Japanese Catholicism: an invention of the West?


  • Samara Leonel Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS



Historical literature, Japanese literature, Silence, Shusaku Endo , Christians in Japan, Edward Said, Cultural representation


In his novel Silence, Shusaku Endo (1912-1996) presents an excerpt from the history of the beginning of Catholicism in Japan, in the 19th century. XVII, when Christians are being persecuted by the shogunate, with the main character the missionary Sebastião Rodrigues. Through the trajectory of the Jesuit, Endo will raise a series of questions about the absorption of the Catholic religion in Japan. One of his arguments is that Japan is a kind of swamp that absorbs alien cultural influences, but “metabolizes” them and transforms them into a new reality. This would make the situation of the Japanese Christian very particular, having to live out his faith in a total lack of cultural references. We will try to analyze this approach based on Edward B. Said's ideas about the “creation” of the East by the West of the European colonizers and trying to adapt it to the Japanese cultural context.


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Author Biography

Samara Leonel, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Mestre em Estudos Literários - UFSM


ENDO, Shusaku. Silence. Tokyo: Sophia University; Rutland, Vermont: The Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1972

GONÇALVES, Ricardo. Silêncio de Shusaku Endo 遠藤 周作. In: Bungaku! Clube de Literatura Japonesa. Universidade do Minho, 21 de julho de 2007. Disponível em <> Acesso em: 5/JUL/2010.

JOHNSTON, William. Translator´s Preface. In: ENDO, Shusaku. Silence. Tokyo: Sophia University; Rutland, Vermont: The Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1972

PAIVA, Geraldo J. A Literatura Católica Contemporânea no Japão. In: REVISTA USP, São Paulo, n.79, p. 183-194, setembro/novembro 2008. Disponível em <> Acesso em: 20/JUN/2010.

SAID, Edward W. Orientalismo. São Paulo: Ed. Schwarcz, 2008.

WIKIPEDIA. Companhia de Jesus. Disponível em <> Acesso em 9/JUL/2010.



How to Cite

Leonel, S. (2011). Silence, by Shusaku Endo, and Japanese Catholicism: an invention of the West?. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (18), e10.