From war to dictatorship

The abyssal funneling in Alberto Moravia and Plínio Marcos




Contemporary Brazilian Theater; History; Brazilian dictatorship; Alberto Moravia; Plinio Marcos.


This article aims to analyze the approximation (which structures the aesthetic-social project) between the Brazilian Plínio Marcos and the Italian Alberto Moravia, especially in the works Two lost in a dirty night and O terror de Roma. Through the analysis and interpretation of the social and cultural-historical contours of the productions, it is possible to establish points of contact between the discursive marks emitted by the authors. The article is based on the contributions of Eric Hobsbawm (1995) and Antonio Pedro Tota (2011) on the conflicts that marked the 20th century, on those of Sábato Magaldi (2003) and Patrice Pavis (2007) on certain notions that constitute the theatrical discourse; in the theoretical assumptions of Mikhail Bakhtin (2002; 2011) regarding the dialogue that is established between literary discourses, in the research of Luiz Zanin Oricchio (2010) regarding the historiography of the author Alberto Moravia and in the reflections of Osvaldo Mendes  (2009) on aspects that circumscribe the bios of the playwright Plínio Marcos.


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Author Biographies

Wagner Corsino Enedino, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul

Full Professor at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

Haydê Costa Vieira, Rede Estadual de Ensino de Mato Grosso do Sul

Teacher of Portuguese Language and Literature at the State Education Network of Mato Grosso do Sul


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How to Cite

Enedino, W. C., & Vieira, H. C. . (2022). From war to dictatorship: The abyssal funneling in Alberto Moravia and Plínio Marcos. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (26), 71–84.