The Figuration of Exile in the French Cycle of Milan Kundera




Milan Kundera, Memory, Exile.


The aim of this study is to highlight the figuration of exile present in three of the French novels by the Czech-French writer Milan Kundera: Slowness (1995), Identity (1997) and Ignorance (2000). This understanding starts from the contrast of the works of the Czech cycle with those of the French cycle, in addition to the understanding of the transformations resulting from them. Next, the relations between narrative and exile will be observed, which is perceived as an agent that can appear in the form of direct and indirect representations, during this new phase of writing in French narratives. Thereby, moves up the novels mentioned above and the book of essays novelist; as well as for texts that focus on exile, memory and identity, among others. Consequently, a relationship exists between the evoked memory images (duration, mirroring and repetition) and the experience of displacement as a product of an exile experience.


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How to Cite

do Rosário Silva, L., & Palma, A. (2021). The Figuration of Exile in the French Cycle of Milan Kundera. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (25).