Between science and magic: the case of Schopenhauer



Palabras clave:

Filosofia de Schopenhauer, Magnetismo Animal, História da Neurofisiologia, História da Parapsicologia


A philosophical reflection about the phenomenology represented by magic and extraordinary mental powers should involve a consideration about the history of philosophy, in particular of those philosophers who were acquainted with the paranormal and investigated into it. The present paper proposes a reading of Schopenhauer’s investigation into paranormal phenomena which involves three aspects: an analysis of the argumentative strategies proposed by Schopenhauer; a contextualization of Schopenhauer’s treatment of magic and spiritism; a tentative interpretation of that treatment as a link between the traditional interpretation of the paranormal and the new scientific approach by the psychic research of the late 19th century.


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Biografía del autor/a

Marco Segala, University of Aquila, Aquila, Italy

Professor at Human Sciences departament, University of Aquila, Aquila, Italy


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Cómo citar

Segala, M. (2021). Between science and magic: the case of Schopenhauer. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 11(3), 3–16.