The Anthropocene and the contribution of Schopenhauerian Eudemonology to thinking about the environmental crisis
Eudemonology, Anthropocene , SchopenhauerAbstract
The idea of a new geological period expressed by the Anthropocene concept gives us the dimension of the human impact on Earth. We, contemporary humans, are a geological force, or rather, our mode of existence has become that force. UN Climate Panel reports, climatological data, projections, among other scientific sources, have become objects of interest for philosophical reflection on the future of a planet heavily impacted by the excesses of technological civilization. This situation imposes on contemporary philosophy the challenge not only of facing the problem, but also of thinking about other possibilities of existence that strengthen the bond with the Earth. In this sense, this article aims to present in general lines the discussion about the idea of Anthropocene and a Schopenhauerian eudemonological proposal based on the update of Schopenhauer's thought, so that we can think about the catastrophic scenario that is taking shape with the realization of the severity of our time.
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