Schopenhauer's understanding of the character of the individual




Schopenhauer, Character of the individual, Haecceity, Negation of the will


The aim of this article is to present Schopenhauer's understanding of the character of the individual based on the metaphysical thesis of the monism of the will. Firstly, it explores the implications of Schopenhauer's assertion that only in human beings are the character of the species and the character of the individual separated; then it addresses the problem of the Haecceity of the will in view of its consequences for the formulation of the character of the individual; and, finally, it addresses the issue of the negation of the will and its relationship with the problem of the individuality of the human being, both in the specific locus of the argument presented by Schopenhauer and in the implicit developments in the interpretative appropriation of Christianity understood as a pessimistic theory.


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Author Biography

Camila Gomes Weber, Londrina State University

Atualmente, é graduanda em Filosofia pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina, possui Graduação em Direito pela Universidade Norte do Paraná (2016) e Mestrado em Filosofia pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina (2023)


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How to Cite

Weber, C. G. (2024). Schopenhauer’s understanding of the character of the individual. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 14(1), e85191.