The passage of the time in Schopenhauer: Recurrence, Remembrance, Memory and History
Transitoriedade, Recorrência, Variação.Abstract
This article is a reflection on the meanings of transitoriness in Schopenhauer, as we know the conclusions of the immanent metaphysics about the Nunc Stans in the background of the passing of time, the wheel of Cosmic Will spinning outside of time, space and causality. The dialogue that appears at the bottom of the text will be established based on the contrast between the conceptions of eternal return in Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, but encompasses notions of Freud's Psychoanalysis and the literary comments of Jorge Luiz Borges. In a specific sense, the eternal return in Schopenhauer is characterized by the recurrence of suffering and effective forms, considered by Schopenhauer based on Plotinus' dogma, that of Platonic ideas. Such ideas, as original acts of will, continually reinstate the world, even though the specific forms express the ideas already in the scope of representation submitted to the principle of reason, or, in other words, in the scope of causality. Such ideas, as original acts of the will, continually reinstate the world, even though the specific forms express the ideas already in the scope of representation submitted to the principle of reason, or, in other words, in the scope of causality. The question about the places corresponding to remembrance, memory and history instigates us precisely because of the immanent character of Schopenhauer's philosophy, for whom the question about the world should be answered starting from the world itself.
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- 2022-03-23 (2)
- 2021-12-28 (1)
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