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The Schopenhauer’s concept of regret and anguish of conscience




arrependimento, angústia de consciência, caráter adquirido, Schopenhauer.


Regret [die Reue] is a concept that emerges in Schpenhauer's philosophy when he deals with one's improving manifestation of his own character, which is what constitutes acquired character. Each of us is endowed by a character that can not be changed but the knowledge of it can be improved, which allows anyone to improve the understanding and the consciousness of himself. As the character is the expression of what anyone longs for we do not regret what we long for but what we have done, just because we ponder that our deed was not suitable to our will. Therefore, regret emerges from the knowledge that allows us to suit doing to willing. Our purpose is to enlighten the priority of will relevance over the intellect in order to understand regret, as well as to point the difference between regret and anguish of conscience [die Gewissenangst].


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How to Cite

Bassoli, S. A. (2021). The Schopenhauer’s concept of regret and anguish of conscience. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 12, e21.



Schopenhauer e o pensamento universal