A Theory of Justice: Rawls’ political philosophy’s contribution to legal theory
Rawls, Justice, Law, DemocracyAbstract
The present paper addresses the relevance of justice to the critique and justification of Law as a form of structuring social institutions. Having A Theory of Justice (TJ) as its focus, it asks: how does Rawls employ juridical concepts? The goal is to dialogue with the central aspects of Rawls’ work seeking to understand what role Law performs in the argument for justice as fairness. To accomplish that, first, the general aims Rawls has in mind in setting forth his conception of justice are presented. Next, his use of juridical concepts is linked with the particular goals of each of TJ’s three subparts, so as to emphasize how helpful justice as fairness and normative political theory might be to lawyers. Following those steps, the hypothesis to be defended is: Law is central in Rawls’ theory of justice. As an entailment of the latter, it is defended that to support his central argument and to develop its core conceptual features Rawls had to appeal to juridical concepts
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- 2022-09-13 (2)
- 2022-09-13 (1)
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