Aseity and pride: introduction to a proposal for a new interpretation of moral freedom on the metaphysics of will
Aseity, Freedom, PrideAbstract
This paper is divided in ten sections. From the first to the fourth, it is presented a reconstruction about the schopenhauerian theory of freedom. Here, we shown that Schopenhauer adopts a negative definition of freedom, as simple absence of necessity. From the fifth section, we show that this definition is insufficient, as negative freedom is restricted to inaction. Then, based on Schopenhauer, a positive definition of freedom is sought. We think we find it in the identity between Being and Wanting, through which the agent wants himself according to what he is, but he also is according to what he wants to be. This correspondence between Being and Wanting — which can also be called aseity — finds corroboration in the feeling of pride.
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- 2022-03-17 (2)
- 2021-12-28 (1)
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