Forms in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Early Wittgenstein, Logical Form, Context PrincipleAbstract
The aim of this paper is to elucidate the tractariana idea of logical form. We get started from the identification of significant conceptual differences between occurrences of the term “form” inside Tractatus’ text. These differences allow the obtainment of two distinct concepts. The first of them is the form of objects; the second, the pictorial form. Inside this later notion it’s possible to identify the idea of a logico-pictorial form, which is distinct from pictorial form due to its generality. We argue that both the notion of form of objects and of logico-pictorial form (or simply “logical form”) can be understood under the light of a reflection about a Wittgensteinean appropriation of Frege’s Context Principle. The relevant use of this principle for the notion of logical form, which sets up an expedient also used by Frege in his explanation about the function of variable letters in mathematics, involves the Tractarian notion of expression [Aüsdruck]. In turn, the form of objects is a concept that arises from what seems an ontological intrusion of the principle in the Tractarian ontology. This movement counters Frege’s assumption about the principle’s range, whose application is restricted to language and isn’t extended to the reference or meaning [Bedeutung] of linguistic signs.
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- 2022-03-16 (2)
- 2021-12-28 (1)
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