The death drive according to Max Horkheimer: discussions on social emancipation and repression in the 1930s and 1940s
Critical Theory, Psychoanalysis, Death Drive, Emancipation, Repression, MimesisAbstract
In the 1930s and 1940s, Max Horkheimer investigated the origins of the aggressivity manifested in social life, especially in the form of antisemitism. His references to the death drive in these contexts diverge, and these differences are closely related to broader changes in his philosophy. Initially, the concept of death drive is disregarded for reproducing an ideological conception that justifies and hypostasizes the bond between civilization and drive repression, a bond supposedly necessary due to the threat that its destructive manifestations represent for life in society. Later, it was read as a symptom of the return of the repressed mimetic impulse, within an investigation of the subjectivity since its archaic formation. This article analyses the premises of these interpretations of the death drive and its contentious reception in early critical theory, which laid the foundations of a still ongoing discussion about its appropriation by social theory.Downloads
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