Contamination of lifeworld: which philosophy rises from a sneeze?




Neoliberalism, Time diagnosis, Crisis, Legitimation


What kind of reflection can philosophy make about a pandemic? In view of the unique character of COVID-19, I propose a reading in terms of a functional analysis of the crises. To arrive at this, I first make a broader assessment of what is common to our time, presenting it in terms of a process of consolidation and expansion of neoliberalism as a “central normative grammar” for the organization and reproduction of social reproduction systems and acting in a colonizing manner on the processes of symbolic reproduction of society. The presentation of neoliberalism intends to emphasize that, before the pandemic, we were already in crisis and that, therefore, we would need a first description of this “state of affairs”. Then, I analyze the functional character of late capitalist societies to conclude by pointing out the learning perspectives that the crisis situation allows and how neoliberalism imposes a grammar that contaminates this potential.


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Author Biography

Eduardo de Borba, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC

PhD student of Philosophy at Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC


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How to Cite

Borba, E. de. (2020). Contamination of lifeworld: which philosophy rises from a sneeze?. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 11, e37.



Special Ed.: Pandemic and Philosophy (continuous publication)