Expanding, repeating, conserving: the sexuality under the Freudian Eros
Sexuality and Eros, Beyond the pleasure principle, Freudian drive theory, Conservative nature of the drives, Eros and ThânatosAbstract
This work aims to highlight that, although the libido and sexuality have been included in the Eros' concept since the Beyond the Pleasure Principle oeuvre issue, the sexuality, in the core of Freudian thinking, has not lost its disruptive nature, as it has not stopped being considered as source of deep perturbations on human psychological life. To do so, arguments about the conservative nature of impulse will be reconstructed, as well as it will be intended to propose an idea where the concepts of expansion, repetition and conservation, which are tightly associated to drives dynamics, cannot be seen as elements that would have taken the disruptive and conflictive nature from the sexuality, in the Freudian oeuvre.Downloads
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