Pandemic and the collapse of neoliberalism
Pandemic, Neoliberalism, CrisisAbstract
The article analyzes the coronavirus pandemic in the light of the collapse of neoliberalism. The levels of neoliberalism in Brazil have varied over the past thirty years and not even progressive governments have been able to break with the neoliberal accumulation system implemented in the country. Through bibliographic research with a qualitative approach, the article presents reflections on neoliberalism and its economic policy that favors the accumulation of capital and the concentration of power, income and wealth, contributing to the decomposition of the working class, the dilution of forms of solidarity and the imposition of exclusive economic and social policies, with the conversion of social democracies into undemocratic states, with corrosive impacts on the social protection network in times of pandemic. Epidemic crises increase inequalities and tensions in our systems, leading us to reassess the deepest political, economic and social problems on our democratic agenda.Downloads
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