An overcoat of clay: affectivity and normativity in the phenomenology of body




Phenomenology of spectrality, Ancestrality, Historicality, Respect for the dead, Heidegger


n this paper, I approach the problem of normativity in relation to the dimension of the ancestral possibilities received from the dead. Following the project of a phenomenology of spectrality presented by Hans Ruin, I outline an interpretation of some formal indications, stated by Heidegger in the existential analytic of Being and Time, concerning the Stimmung of being-with-the dead. Respect (Ehrfurcht) is the existential feeling that manifests the already felt attunement with the dimension of ancestrality: the respect for the possibilities capable of a reciprocative rejoinder to a heritance. It follows from the analysis of this feeling, that the ancestral dimension offers the very matter of historical individuation, but does not contain the measure of the adequate response to the possibilities inherited. I conclude by emphasizing that the autonoetic aspect of the feeling of respect for ancestral possibilities reveals the abandonment and vulnerability of the living in the face of a dimension that commands without housing in itself a measure for the right response.


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Author Biography

Róbson Ramos dos Reis, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Professor Titular da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.


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How to Cite

Reis, R. R. dos. (2019). An overcoat of clay: affectivity and normativity in the phenomenology of body. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 10(1), 124–141.