Poder versus querer: sobre o livre-arbítrio em Agostinho e em Schopenhauer
Augustine, Schopenhauer, Free willAbstract
The article that follows aims to analyze the notion of freedom of the will of Schopenhauer (understood as liberum arbitrium indifferentiae), which definition, as I contend, implies the Augustinian distinction between posse and velle, such as the Kantian sense of intelligible character. I believe that full freedom, or the complete denial of the will, in accordance with the prospect of Schopenhauer, is based on the Augustinian notion of libertas, which is achieved only through grace, and also its erroneous interpretation of the Augustinian concept of liberum arbitrium. The main objective of this paper consists in presenting Augustine as a fundamental precursor to the theory of Schopenhauer.Downloads
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- 2022-07-28 (2)
- 2010-07-01 (1)
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