Criminalization and self-control as "ruse of the conscious will" for Eduard von Hartmann




Pessimism, punishment, unconscious


Criminal law exists in order to punish people for their culpable misconducts, whenever there is a culpable wrong one should criminalize and punish. A distinctive moral voice: the criminal wrong that we don’t find beyond is revealed and any normative ethical enquiry should point out, as a specific axiological and moral category related to such evil conducts. Why not suppose an unconscious genesis of it in the sensitive faculties, because there is a constitution of what man is, learned through history? Eduard von Hartmann thinks that the normative role of self-control functions in different moral principles. This is valid also in criminal ethics. Thinking the process what begins to be morally relevant, as morally criminal is presented as “ruse of the conscious will”: pre ethically, by specific psychological drives, and metaphysically by character formation.


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Author Biography

Ignace Haaz, Université de Genève, Genebra

Doutor em Letras pela Université de Genève (Genebra-Suíça) e pós-Doutor em Filosofia pela Université de Fribourg/Universität Freiburg (Friburgo-Suíça).


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How to Cite

Haaz, I. (2012). Criminalization and self-control as "ruse of the conscious will" for Eduard von Hartmann. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 3(1 e 2), 122–142.