The society as will and representation: The theory of society in schopenhauerian eudemonology


  • Juan David Mateu Alonso Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, España



Eudemonology, Social philosophy, Political philosophy


In this paper I am concerned with the theory of society that Schopenhauer presents in his Aphorismen zur Lebensweisheit. First, I try to develop the link of these aphorisms with the rest of his philosophy, so I analyze the genesis of eudemonology especially in the posthumous manuscripts of 1826-1830. My next step consists in using the distinction between will and representation as a hermeneutical tool for the interpretation of Schopenhauer’s social theory: in the paragraph about society as representation, I focus on his criticism of honor and its implications for the theory of society and in the paragraph about society as will, I analyse the factors of social coercion and cohesion considered by Schopenhauer. In the conclusion, I highlight the importance of this social theory embedded in Schopenhauer’s eudemonology for his political philosophy.


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Author Biography

Juan David Mateu Alonso, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, España

Professor Associado do Dept. de Metafísica y Teoría del conocimiento da Universidad de Valencia (Valência-Espanha).


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How to Cite

Alonso, J. D. M. (2012). The society as will and representation: The theory of society in schopenhauerian eudemonology. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 3(1 e 2), 30–60.



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