Analysis of chronic pain in women after mastectomy with or without radiotherapy
Breast neoplasms, Chronic pain, Mastectomy, Radiotherapy, PhysiotherapyAbstract
Objective: To compare the characteristics of chronic pain in women who underwent surgery for breast cancer and who received or not radiotherapy. Methods: A study with a quantitative approach and transversal character was carried out. The sample was divided into 2 groups: women who underwent mastectomy and radiotherapy (GR = 8) and women who underwent mastectomy only (GNR = 9), after at least three months postoperatively. The following instruments were applied: evaluation form, McGill questionnaire, Body Map, Visual Analogue Scale, in addition to the measurement of perimetry. Results: Pain was present in 94.11% of the participants, and in both groups the pain started after the surgery, with daily frequency and short duration. The pushing and pulling movements were cited by 75% of the participants of the RG as causing pain, in the GNR, the reaching movement was the most cited (44%). Regarding sensitivity, the lateral region of the chest was significantly different between the groups. As for the McGill questionnaire, low intensity pain was observed for both groups and the most used descriptors were tiring (87.50%), boring (75%), nauseated (62.50%), frightening (62.50%) and pulling (62.50%) for the RG and hooked (77.77%), needling (66.66%), tiring (66.66%), nauseated (66.66%), frightening (66.66%), punishing (66.66%) and miserable (66.66%) for the GNR. Conclusion: Chronic pain after breast cancer treatment was high in both groups. Although of low intensity, the pain affected the performance of movements and activities of daily living. Thus, care is needed to relieve pain, considering its specificities.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sabrina Orlandi Barbieri, Camila Laís Menegazzi Giongo, Gustavo do Nascimento Petter, Francine Coutinho Maia de Castro, Hedioneia Maria Foletto Pivetta, Melissa Medeiros Braz
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