Educational practice of pharmaceutical care in the area ofpalliative care in infant-juvenile hematooncology
Pediatric oncology, Multiprofissional team, Clinical pharmacistAbstract
Objective: To understand the implications of a permanent education proposal in expanding the knowledge of health professionals about palliative care in the context of pediatric hematologyoncology, identifying and analyzing the challenges of the multiprofessional team regarding the pharmaceutical care needs of children and adolescents, as well as the management, recognition and indication of the palliative care approach. Method: It is characterized as an action-research with a qualitative approach. 16 health professionals from child and adolescent oncology from a regional hospital in the south of the country participated in the study. Data were collected in three stages: 1) initial phase questionnaire, as a source of data for the construction of educational videos; 2) production of educational videos with the specifics of children and adolescents, which aimed to help pharmacists and multiprofessionals in the context of palliative care; and 3) final phase questionnaire, which included the results achieved, feedback of the action, showing how much the videos helped in the acquisition of information regarding palliative care. Results: Through this research, the following categories emerged: perception of the multidisciplinary team about palliative care; pharmacist’s role in palliative care, including the use of morphine and palliative sedation; production and evaluation of the educational proposal. Final Considerations: The diagnosis of the demands of the team that was part of the present study was carried out satisfactorily and the material produced contributed to the knowledge of the professionals involved, producing a feeling of empowerment in front of these types of situations with subsidies to support their actions. The research also showed how the pharmacist acted and its importance in the multidisciplinary team of palliative care. This study contributed to safe and effective teamwork in palliative care.
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