Art and Aesthetics of Existence: some Considerations for Teaching
Art, Aesthetics of existence, Michel Foucault, Cynicism, Teaching, Aesthetics of teachingAbstract
During his last course, The Courage of Truth (1984), Michel Foucault analyzes frank speech (parrhesia) which, in the lives of the Cynics in Classical Antiquity, acquires its best representation - the true life. Foucault points to the emergence of the "artist's life" located in the 19th century as one of the possible echoes of truth understood as life – bios as aleturgy – in art and its manifestation as an aesthetics of existence. As is well known, Cynicism interested Foucault, on the one hand, because it was marginalized in the history of ancient philosophy, and on the other, due to the scarcity of texts attributed to it and, moreover, because it is a way of life that does not distinguish between action and thought. Cynicism here is taken as aleturgy, in other words, a direct intertwining of frank speech and way of life, approximating art and life, to meet the notion of the aesthetics of existence, developed by Foucault in his later texts. After all, what can the manifestation of truth and a life as a work of art bring to teaching? Would it be possible to think of an aesthetics of teaching based on life as a work of art, as Foucault proposes?
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