In the city and in the neighborhood: children’s literature books to imagine and read the world
City, Children's literature, PicturebookAbstract
The meeting between cities and literature is an invitation to unveil with words ways to exercise the creation of images with cities invented by the forms and affections caused by immersion in reading and that overflow imaginative possibilities of recognizing in some of them the cities we carry in our experiences. From early childhood we experience the spaces of the city. By activating literature and the ways in which writers and writers capture urban spaces in their narratives (by the subtlety of compositions with words or by the imaginative possibilities created in this encounter), contemplating literary reading as an aesthetic experience for awareness, we will present in this text some exercises of attention and analysis of two illustrated books that bring the theme of life in the neighborhood: Meu Bairro (2020), by María José Ferrada and Ana Penyas, and Meu Bairro é assim (2016), by Cesar Obeid and Jana Glatt, works of literature to reflect on the ways in which we spatially educate children.
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