Studio of worlds: politics of time and meanings of school
Time, Scholé, Creation, Enchantment, DisenchantmentAbstract
The ancient Greeks regarded School as temporal quality. Scholé means free time, not as an invitation to inaction, but as an openness to indetermination. In the Classical period, School is a space-time that are not determined by the productive time, and for this exact reason, they lead to creative thinking. As modernity makes way, the times of productivity and learning become more and more indistinct until they merge. School becomes, to a great extent, the space that prepares and anticipates productive work. In this article, this reality is analyzed, studying time and its political implications, outlining its connections to the meanings of School. The text support the possibility that it is possible for the School to recover the affinity with indetermination, refusing to be guided by production time, and reinforcing its connection with creation time. The concepts of disenchantment and re-enchantment of the world are addressed, as well as the plurality of time concepts specific to different cultures, investigating the political-social complexity of these phenomena. Besides, it dialogues with the ideia of poetic thinking, and finally, clames for an education with art, bearing in mind that, beyond the idea of a factory of workers, there is an urgency to conceive the School as a large space of creation: as an interrupting studio of worlds.
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