Body present: the development of sensibility through artistic and educational actions




Poetic actions, Educational strategies, Digital era, Social sculpture


This work presents some poetic and educational actions carried out between 2020-2022 in the research project 'Peciar and the Formation of the Artist', at the State University of Londrina. With the undergraduate research ‘Presence-absence: art and the perceptual challenges in the digital era, we traced a relationship between the negative impacts of digital technologies on human life and the role of art in recovering the corporeal and sensitive dimension of society. The actions of the project are articulated with the work of Joseph Beuys and his concept of social sculpture (BORER, 2001). Starting with an investigation in three-dimensional expression towards the expansion of individual research into collective actions; with the goal of reconnecting with the tactile space and seeking harmony with the constellation of forces that sculpture brings into play. 


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Author Biographies

Nathalia Fonte, Londrina State University

Graduada em Artes Visuais (2019-2023) pela UEL.

Juliano Reis Siqueira, Londrina State University

Doutorado em Artes Visuais (2019) pela UDESC. 


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How to Cite

Fonte, N., & Siqueira, J. R. (2023). Body present: the development of sensibility through artistic and educational actions. Revista Digital Do LAV, 16(1), e14/1–19.



Dossiê – Caminhar e habitar: arte e educação no espaço urbano