Narratives and experimentation: art as a provocateur of childhood at school


  • Andrea Becker Narvaes UNIPAMPA
  • Samara Facco Graduada em Pedagogia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), mestranda em Educação na área de formação de professores (PPGE) e atualmente como professora concursada de educação infantil no município de Nova Palma-RS.



Childhoods, Visual arts education, School, Instituted, Instituing


The present work has as its starting point the problematization of the relationship between childhood, school and art. It had the contribution of experiments and narratives of children from the Early Years with visual art, the objective being to understand the movements existing between the instituted and instituting in the school, and their possible creation gaps. It begins with the report of childhood and school artistic experiences that imprison creativity and establish a unique way of being a child and making art. In a second moment, the concepts of art teaching that permeated Brazilian school curriculum are described. Finally, narratives of the children themselves are presented about the proposed artistic experiences and their powers as creative children that provoke new conceptions of art teaching at school.


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How to Cite

Narvaes, A. B., & Facco, S. (2022). Narratives and experimentation: art as a provocateur of childhood at school. Revista Digital Do LAV, 15, e25/1–22.