ONLY THE ARTS SAVE US!!!!! – the many infants that there are in us –
arts, images, sounds, 'cineconversations', childhood.Abstract
The present article results from studies with daily life as possible 'space-times' for diverse encounters with the arts, enabling narratives, affections and creations from the many educational networks that we form and that form us. The networks of 'practical-theories' of the creation and use of the arts make us understand the many 'inside-outside' of schools, helping us to understand the ways in which the necessary 'knowledge-meanings' are created in everyday life, whether in this pandemic period or not, in real or virtual schools. Memories in contact with the cinema bring us an understanding of the very different childhoods produced in the world. When we understand the 'cineconversations' as a methodology and central locus of the research processes in our group, we aim to think about the multiple narrative memories produced by 'see-hear-feel-think' with the films as provoking feelings and sensations and the possibility of being close to the 'do-know' and narratives of all 'thinking practitioners' of the research.
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