A world of images to unveil: photography and cinema in Early Childhood Education
Media-education, Photography, Cinema, Pedagogical practice, childhoodAbstract
This article, of na essayistic nature, presents some conceptions and practices developed over the las years in an school in northeastern of Brazil. It characterizes the área of teaching in kindergarten, highlighting its actions and specificities. It points to the media-education, as a field of experience to be considered in this teaching modality, realizing in the current context the predominance of images that need to be unveiled through systematic pedagogical work. It launches a discussion about photography and movie, facing them as languages, as forms of expression. of human thought, endowed with particularities. It presentes theorical foundation, based on the ideias of: Barbosa (1998), Belloni (2001, 2009), Buckingham (2005), Fantin (2011), Flores (2011), Gonnet (2002), Kellner (2001), Napolitano (2003), Orozco Gomez (1996), Rego (1999), Vygotsky (1998). Its shows different possibilities of action with the photographic and cinematographic languages with childen, taking as a theorical and metodological reference experiences already built in which these media were activated.
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