Photography Direction in the Cinema: a systemic approach on the process of creation
Cinematography, Poetics of Cinema, Collaborative Authorship and ComplexityAbstract
This article aims to understand the role of the Director of Photography within fictional film productions. Based on the analytical basis by Edgar Morin and Jorge Vieira, the text proposes a reflection on the process of co-authorship, bringing complexity to the poetics of cinema. The article also addresses the contradictory and antagonic aspects of two methodologies of production: a) on the one hand, the bureaucratic Hollywoodian Fordist-Taylorist model adopted as an organizational parameter in cinematographic productions in the early twentieth century by the cinema industry; b) on the other hand, the elitist and romantic model of "author cinema" whose matrix relegates only to the filmmaker the signature of a film, so that both methodologies are problematized through the use of systemic parameters of analysis. Finally, the article exposes the evolutionary path found in the creation process linked to the Director of Photography and his/her role in consolidating the cinematic poetics of a filmmaker, as well as the multifunctional character of the current productions.
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