Formative movements between narrative and images: the experience of a teacher in the exercise of seeing and not seeing




Training, Blindness, Experience and images


This article is about an essayistic experience from the encounter with blind people while working as a teacher at the Benjamin Constant Institute. Therefore, I place myself as a thinking practitioner to narrate the formative movements experienced by me in these spaces-times which I participate of. Moved by the effects produced in these movements between teaching and learning, resulting from relations with blind people in the IBC, I allow myself to think about the knowledge produced in everyday life, in the use of images and technology in school. I consider the experience, according to Larrosa (2002), as that which passes us, crosses, moves and transforms us; and, to record them in this work, I use not only the written narrative, but also images that enable me to think concepts that arise from my concerns about the relations between the research subjects and how the knowledge of daily life acts as a constitutive part of my formative process. Beginning with an introduction that I call "Initial Movements," I move towards the development that I divide into "Movements (of) formation or (trans)formation?", "Movements of seeing and not seeing: a matter of looking.", Movements of/in practice", and lastly I present as final considerations, far from ending, "Movements of (trans)formation”.


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Author Biography

Daiana Pilar Andrade de Freitas Silva, Instituto Benjamin Constant Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro

Mestra em educação pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Processos Formativos e Desigualdades Sociais da Faculdade de Formação de Professores da Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro/ FFP-UERJ (2018). Especialista em Educação Especial e Inclusiva pela Faculdade de Educação São Luis /FESL (2017). Especialista em Literatura Infantojuvenil pela Universidade Federal Fluminense/UFF (2011). Licenciada em Pedagogia pela UFF (2008). Atuou como professora na Prefeitura Municipal de São Gonçalo (2011), foi Orientadora Educacional da Prefeitura Municipal de Maricá (2013). Professora (2013) e Coordenadora Pedagógica (2014) da Prefeitura Municipal de Itaboraí. Atualmente é Professora de Ensino Básico Técnico e Tecnológico na Educação Infantil do Instituto Benjamin Constant. Participa do Grupo de Pesquisa e Estudos da Surdocegueira (GPESC), vinculado ao Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas do Instituto Benjamin Constant (CEPEQ) e também faz parte do Coletivo Diferenças e Alteridade na Educação (UERJ/FFP), onde pensa com outros sujeitos da educação, entre políticas, práticas e poéticas, como educadores, negociam cotidianamente os diferentes modos de ser e estar no mundo para se relacionar e trabalhar coletivamente numa perspectiva ética do encontro.


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How to Cite

Silva, D. P. A. de F. (2019). Formative movements between narrative and images: the experience of a teacher in the exercise of seeing and not seeing. Revista Digital Do LAV, 12(2), 103–117.