Images as self-representing objects in arts education


  • Mariete Taschetto Uberti Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Images/artworks, Education, Visual culture, Self-representation


This article deals with teachers’ education, having as motto for the writing an experience developed in a school of the Santa Maria Public Network. The practice aimed to develop the understanding of knowledge in the arts field through educational activities, mediation and critical exercise from the educational perspective of visual culture. To do so, we define as theme self-representation. Through a reflection on the power of images/artworks in art classes and teachers’ education, we proposed conversations about what we see and what the students see and how we project relationships between images and daily life. Thus, we experience dialogic spaces about the imaginary that are produced/created with the images, while directing and constructing ways of seeing and being seen, based on the proposition and creation of self-representations. The support was given by the perspective of Visual Culture Studies (HERNÁNDEZ, 1998; 2007; 2013) and the captive educational power of images (DALLA VALLE, 2015; 2018). Based on these proposals, this experience made it possible to redefine our practices and organize spaces and educational proposals in visual arts that favored student protagonism.    


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Author Biography

Mariete Taschetto Uberti, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

estre em Artes Visuais pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, na linha de pesquisa Arte e Cultura (2014); Especialista em Gestão Escolar pela Universidade Cidade de São Paulo (2012); Graduada em Artes Visuais - Licenciatura em Desenho e Plástica, pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2010). Atua como Professora de Artes na Rede Estadual de Educação do RS.  Linhas de interesse de pesquisa: Cultura, Arte Pública, Cultura Visual e Educação das Artes Visuais.


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How to Cite

Uberti, M. T. (2019). Images as self-representing objects in arts education. Revista Digital Do LAV, 12(3), 134–152.