Teaching practice and aesthetical experimentations in art education classes
Teaching internship, Aesthetic experimentations, Art-educationAbstract
The text reflects on two experiences of Teaching Internship in classes of Pedagogy of a state public university in Ceará, in the discipline Art-education. These reflections are based on aesthetic-formative experiences occurred during the classes of this discipline. The objective of this work is to analyze the formative dimension of two Master's students’ teaching internship, in the scope of the critical, propositive and creative intervention in Art-education. Authors of reference such as Buriolla (1995), Pimenta (2006), Freire (2006), Moraes (2016), Vázquez (1977), among others, theoretically base the study. The discussion is guided by the field journals of both trainees, transformed into reports that are analyzed critically, glimpsing the delineation of the formative perspective of teachers. As a result of the research, the perception of the stimulus to the improvement of Master's students for the exercise of the teaching profession, as well as the involvement of the undergraduate students in aesthetic-pedagogical actions proposed in the Art-education discipline, are pointed out.
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