Affective narrative of an educator artist
Artist, Educator, Intersubjectivity, Perception, AffectionAbstract
The article presents a narrative of an educator artist, considering aspects of her period of formation and acting, in the scope of higher education, emphasizing the relation of interdependence between art and the teaching of art. The narrative has as its main basis the phenomenological perspective and more specifically the conceptions of perception and intersubjectivity proposed by Maurice Merleau-Ponty, in dialogue with the concepts of perception and affection of Henri Bergson, which mobilize the artistic production and the relation of teaching, and the permanent reversibility between what we see and what looks at us, proposed by Georges Didi-Huberman, who brings emotion as a mobilizing force. The importance of aesthetic experience and the close relantionship between intellectual experience and artist practice, according to John Dewey’s approach, is also highlighted. The interweaving of these perspectives leads us to consider the importance of affection in the process of becoming an artist and an educator artist.
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