The art of seeing the world with your own eyes. Hands, noses, ears and tongues


  • Marcelo Forte



Supervised internship, Interpretation, Language


This article presents an account of the experience of supervised internship in Visual Arts Class - Degree in Design and Plastic, with emphasis in the third semester of application in the class room. Together we work, teacher and students, with the use of art images and other media, sensorial objects and the language as sense producers to approach the ways of seeing and interpreting visual images.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Forte

Formado em Artes Visuais – Licenciatura Plena em Desenho e Plástica pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


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How to Cite

Forte, M. (2011). The art of seeing the world with your own eyes. Hands, noses, ears and tongues. Revista Digital Do LAV, 6(6), 015–024.