To rehearse the artistic-writreading in the university
Philosophy, Education, Difference, Writreadings, UniversityAbstract
Practices, we experience and rehearse reading and writing in the university. By finishing the saturation of the syllogistic, we introduce textual dissonance. Calling for subtle resources and the innovative value of tradition, we use the logic of imagination to study it. Through Art, we recover the life of signs because there is no way of not doing it, since our task is to create the artistic-writreading of a Philosophy-Education of Difference, and not to teach it. Thus, instead of the Philosophy-Teaching-Truly-True and of the Education-That-Everybody-Already-Knows-And-Nobody-Else-Wants-To-Know-Because. Nobody-Stands-It-Anymore, we created a Phylosophy-Experimentation and an Education-Of-The-Creative-Phylosophy. Thus, as professors/researchers, we answer positively to Flaubert’s (apud CAMPOS, 1986, p.5) questioning: “When will we be artists, nothing but artists, but truly artists”?Downloads
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