Meanings of writing


  • Carlos Skliar Universidad Del Museo Social



Writing, Pedagogic reasoning, Literary reasoning


This paper focus on the issue of the “meaning” of writing, the “meaning” in writing. Although perhaps the only “meaning”, the only reason for writing is to write, without having reasons to do it, neither before nor after it, having neither major nor insignificant reasons. Writing neither to be someone in the world nor to the future, to the posterity; neither to assume a perspective from which the world can be seen, nor to allow others to assume these or those perspectives, neither to advance in life nor to reverse. Not even to be a better or a worse person.


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Author Biography

Carlos Skliar, Universidad Del Museo Social

Doutorado em Ciências da Recuperação Humana pela Universidad Del Museo Social Argentino, Argentina


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Sentidos del escribir

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How to Cite

Skliar, C. (2016). Meanings of writing. Revista Digital Do LAV, 9(2), 045–060.