“Critique of pure reason”: Newton Foot characters among the problems of the global world and the role of the educator


  • Alessandro de Almeida
  • Edwirgens Aparecida Ribeiro Lopes de Almeida




Educator, Educating, Art, Critical, Entertainment


This text has the intention to argue as, through the some artistic manifestations, it is possible to establish a dialogue, between theory, critical and practical. In this intention, we prioritize the study of tirinhas of the Newtons Foot who, carried to the Internet, culminate in another attractive for the knowledge and reading of the educandos. In them, the creator prioritizes the critical one concerning problematic of the global world and the function and the formation of the professor in the world contemporary.


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Author Biographies

Alessandro de Almeida

Doutorando em História pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Edwirgens Aparecida Ribeiro Lopes de Almeida

Doutoranda em Literatura pela UnB


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How to Cite

Almeida, A. de, & Almeida, E. A. R. L. de. (2010). “Critique of pure reason”: Newton Foot characters among the problems of the global world and the role of the educator. Revista Digital Do LAV, 3(3), 001–012. https://doi.org/10.5902/198373482192