Creation from the perspective of difference


  • Paola Zordan UFRGS



Create, Deleuze, Creation philosophy, Immanence plan


It is a discussion about concepts of creation such as they are presented in theories connected both to Visual Arts and to research in Education. Its objective is to situate the act of creation - as it expresses itself in its infinitive mode, to create, undeniably a strong power which is present in every act of learning - in relation to the perspective of the Philosophy of Difference and, more specifically, to the thought of Gilles Deleuze. The text tries to sketch a noological questioning of the act of creation from the perspective of a geophilophical plan, since this act, that is, "to create", is in itself a problem which is immanentely tied to every act of thinking. The act of creation, understood in its infinitive mode, is in open opposition to the stereotyped opinions which are typical of the so called common sense. The act of creation requires something which is quite different from the ready-made knowledge, from the ready-made thinking, in a way that it carries the thought to the indeterminated zones of a unimaginable chaos that only art is able to express. Since it is impossible to link it to ready-made images, the noology of creation can not be analyzed but in connection with the regularities and instabilities of Earth's flows.


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Author Biography

Paola Zordan, UFRGS

Doutora e Mestre em Educação, Bacharel em Desenho e Licenciada em Educação Artística pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


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How to Cite

Zordan, P. (2010). Creation from the perspective of difference. Revista Digital Do LAV, 5(5), 062–074.