Visual art in the contemporary world


  • Nelci Andreatta Kunzler PUC/RS



Contemporaneity, Contemporary visual art, Plurality


The contemporary world is multifaceted, complex and controversial. Some theorists call it Post-Modernity, other ones as late Modernity, and even others as Neo-Modernity. In art, like in other fields, there is already talking about Hypermodernity. Some still believe that we are in full Modernity. There are several studies about the names used currently. It is amid this plurality of positions, ideas and facts that the contemporary world is being constituted, and the artist and the art are inserted in it. In this paper, we aim to make a cut, specifically of the contemporary visual art linked to the current context and how some broader issues in the contemporary world appear in the characteristics of art, such as current thoughts reflect and interfere in the process of artistic creation and enjoyment. The characteristics and current thoughts that we address when contextualizing the art in the world today are: the dissolution of large narratives; the culture; the identity; the inclusion of the differences; the globalization; the fragmentation and the ephemerality.


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Author Biography

Nelci Andreatta Kunzler, PUC/RS

Graduada em Educação Artística – Habilitação Artes Plásticas, Especialista em Metodologia do Ensino das Artes e Mestre em Educação nas Ciências, pela UNIJUÍ


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How to Cite

Kunzler, N. A. (2010). Visual art in the contemporary world. Revista Digital Do LAV, 5(5), 090–114.