Teaching activity, curriculum and fields of influence in classroom


  • Laura Cristina Vieira Pizzi Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió, Alagoas Centro de Educação Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação
  • Wanessa Lopes de Melo Coordenadora Pedagógica do Instituto Federal de Alagoas (IFAL)




Curriculum, Teaching activity, Classroom.


The purpose of this article is to analyse teaching activity, from the perspective of Activity Clinic of Yves Clot (2010), focusing on the curriculum developed in classroom, considering the conditions of its realization, requirements, contingencies and crossings in everyday life. To approach the complexity of the curriculum we use the Simple Self-confrontation technique, which uses the filming as a primary means of data collection. The teacher in this study worked in 2nd grade in a public Municipal Elementary School of Maceió/AL, located on the outskirts. The prescriptive character of curriculum policy was not determinant in curricular activity of this teacher, compared to other subjective factors and other content and subjects that readjusted the curriculum, printing new developments and implications.

Author Biographies

Laura Cristina Vieira Pizzi, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió, Alagoas Centro de Educação Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação

Doutora em Educação: Currículo (PUC/SP)


Wanessa Lopes de Melo, Coordenadora Pedagógica do Instituto Federal de Alagoas (IFAL)

Doutoranda da PUC/SP (Psicologia da Educação)



How to Cite

Pizzi, L. C. V., & Melo, W. L. de. (2013). Teaching activity, curriculum and fields of influence in classroom. Education, 38(3), 577–592. https://doi.org/10.5902/198464449237



Dossier: Education and Work