Immaterial Labor and Teachers’ work


  • Álvaro Moreira Hypolito Universidade Federal de Pelotas - Pelotas - Rio Grande do Sul
  • Paulo Eduardo Grishcke Instituto Federal Sul-Rio-grandende - IFSul



Labor, Immaterial labor, Teachers’ work.


This article discusses some trends of the labor in the capitalist society in the context of restructuring of contemporary modes of production, arguing in favor of a point of view that understands the trend of increasing and consolidating form of immaterial labor as a hegemonic type of labor in the knowledge society. It also argues on forms of labor in the tertiary sector and discusses several forms of immaterial labor in the current society. Finally, this paper discusses teachers’ work as one form of immaterial labor related with subjective and emotional aspects of teachers’ identity. It is a theoretical discussion on teachers’ work in the context of contemporary capitalism.

Author Biographies

Álvaro Moreira Hypolito, Universidade Federal de Pelotas - Pelotas - Rio Grande do Sul

Professor da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPel, Licenciado em Pedagogia, Mestre em Educação - UFMG, Doutor em Currículo e Ensino - Universidade de Wisconsin e Pesquisador do CNPq.

Paulo Eduardo Grishcke, Instituto Federal Sul-Rio-grandende - IFSul

Professor do Instituto Federal Sul-Rio-grandende - IFSul, Licenciado em Pedagogia, Mestre em Educação e Doutorando em Educação - UFPel.



How to Cite

Hypolito, Álvaro M., & Grishcke, P. E. (2013). Immaterial Labor and Teachers’ work. Education, 38(3), 507–522.



Dossier: Education and Work

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