Challenges of the education of children living with their mothers in prisions: the function of the University and public power
Nursery, Education, Prison.Abstract
This article presents the care project for infant development, considering babies who are living with their mothers at the penitential institution, Madre Pelletier Female Penitentiary, in Rio Grande do Sul State. The project promotes actions to secure the Physical well-being, affective and social cognitive among 3 to 12 months children, into the perspective of taking care of and educate them. Pedagogy students, under the professors’ supervision and orientation in their courses, plan and develop educational activities twice a week, considering the particularities of prison’s routine and the babies’ development needs. However, it is necessary to recognize the lack of public policies responsible with the children development necessities in order to ensure that the connection between mother and child are established by the healthiest way.Downloads
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