Building knowledge in youth and adult education (EJA) integrated with vocational education – collective knowledge of a research network


  • Maria Margarida Machado
  • Mirian Fábia Alves
  • João Ferreira de Oliveira


Youth and adult education, Vocational education, Research networks.


This study discusses the processes of establishing a network of researchers arising out of the publication of the Public Notice Proeja/Capes/Setec Number 003/2006, setting up a Support Program for Teaching and for Scientific and Technological Research into Vocational Education integrated with Youth and Adult Education – PROEJA, which was constituted by CAPES in partnership with the Secretariat for Professional and Technological Education at Brazil’s Ministry for Education. As a result of this Public Notice, nine research groups were set up around the country. This study focuses on the experience of the group made up of Institutes from Goiás and the Federal District. The methodological emphasis of the study is documental analysis and participative observation. It hopes to strengthen this network of researchers as a reference for the mid-west, deepening its investigations aimed at understanding the concrete relationship between youth and adult education (EJA) and the world of work. In this sense, the collective action for group formation, the creation of formative spaces and the participation of its members in EJA seminars, congresses and forums show that the construction of knowledge and wisdom, based on the experience of students (of Scientific initiation, Master and Doctoral programs), and of teachers (of undergraduate and post graduate programs) can effectively contribute towards an EJA integrated with Vocational Education in order to enrich the formation of young and adult workers.



How to Cite

Machado, M. M., Alves, M. F., & Oliveira, J. F. de. (2008). Building knowledge in youth and adult education (EJA) integrated with vocational education – collective knowledge of a research network. Education, 33(3), 411–424. Retrieved from



Dossier: Youth and Adult Education (YAE)