The use of political cartoons and comic strips as a teaching resource and a pedagogical innovation in the teaching and learning of geography


  • Telma Lucia Bezerra Alves Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG
  • Suellen Silva Pereira Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG
  • Laíse Do Nascimento Cabral Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG



Education, Teaching methodology, Resources imagistic.


This study aimed to evaluate the use of political cartoons and comic strips as teaching resources in the teaching and learning of geography. Emphasis was given to Environmental Geography, correlating the content covered with selected images. Literature and field searches were conducted with students of the Geography degree from two Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the city of Campina Grande-PB, where the critical-reflective analysis of graphic representations above was carried out. It was concluded that the use of political cartoons and comic strips is a strategic resource for teachers. These resources presented themselves as potentials to be explored and disseminated in the educational context because besides arousing students’ curiosity it makes them become interested in the content which is transmitted and built through it

Author Biographies

Telma Lucia Bezerra Alves, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG

Licenciada em Geografia, Especialista em Manejo Ecológico de Bacias Hidrográficas, Mestre e Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Naturais - UFCG; Professora da rede pública Estadual da Paraíba.

Suellen Silva Pereira, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG

Licenciada em Geografia, Mestre em Desenvolvimento Regional e Meio Ambiente e Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Naturais - UFCG;

Laíse Do Nascimento Cabral, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG

Licenciada em Geografia, Mestranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Naturais - UFCG;



How to Cite

Alves, T. L. B., Pereira, S. S., & Cabral, L. D. N. (2013). The use of political cartoons and comic strips as a teaching resource and a pedagogical innovation in the teaching and learning of geography. Education, 38(2), 417–434.



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