Flipped Classroom for Calculus I: An analysis of this methodology from the perspective of Learning Styles and personalized recommendation of learning objects
Flipped classroom, Learning Styles, Personalized recommendationAbstract
The teaching of Differential and Integral Calculus I faces challenges, with research suggesting that students' difficulties may also be associated with Learning Styles (LS) and the traditional teaching method. In response to this scenario, various innovative approaches, such as Flipped Classroom (FC), have emerged, aiming to motivate students and actively involve them in knowledge construction. However, few studies address the relationship between learning profiles and FC. Thus, the central issue of this study questions the capabilities and limitations of FC applied to Calculus I, considering LS and the personalized recommendation of Learning Objects (LO). The overall objective is to analyze the potentialities and limitations of the FC methodology for Calculus I, from the perspective of LS and personalized LO recommendation. The main reference authors of this study are Felder and Silverman (1988), whose contributions are crucial for understanding LS. The study involved administering questionnaires to Calculus I students to collect data on their LS and learning preferences. Based on the identified profiles, LOs were customized and recommended through a Recommendation System (RS). The analysis focused on verifying whether the different learning profiles of the participants could be effectively addressed by FC. The results indicate that FC has motivating and instructional potential, especially considering the predominant learning styles. However, limitations, such as the difficulty in finding varied LOs and the possibility of some styles being less favored, are highlighted.
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