Emergence of an education model as a practice of resistance against discrimination and oppression of cultural diversity
Education, Hegemonic theories, Decolonial perspectiveAbstract
The present work aims to reflect on the pedagogical concepts that guided Brazilian education for centuries. For that, the hegemonic traditional theories with a Eurocentric basis are analyzed, such as: the Catholic Traditional Theory, the Lay Traditional Theory, the New School and Technicist Education. Elaborated through exploratory bibliographic research, this study is built from a critical perspective based on the following theoretical categories: Monist State, Hegemonic Conceptions of Education, Pluralist State, Decolonial Perspective, Interculturality, Cultural Diversity and Decolonial Education. It was found that pedagogical practices based on Eurocentric values historically did not recognize the diversity and cultural differences present in the school space and in society in general. Thus, blacks, indigenous people, women, among other social segments, have been discriminated and placed on the margins of decisions and democratic spaces. Therefore, this theoretical-scientific production defends and proposes the adoption of an educational model based on the Decolonial Perspective in order to face this situation in which social injustices and inequalities are manifested in poverty, racism, sexism and other forms of oppression and violence. In addition, it is argued that education is the most appropriate tool to face the threats that have been raised in recent years in relation to respect and acceptance of diversity and cultural differences that permeate the Brazilian society.
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