Perceptions of Chemistry teachers at federal universities in Minas Gerais on the low expressiveness of book production in Brazil
Chemistry, Graduation, University bookAbstract
The issue of the low expressivity of the production of university chemistry books in Brazil was addressed in this text. Given the representativeness of the Federal Universities of Minas Gerais in the country, was investigated the perception of fourteen university professors of Chemistry linked to these institutions about the central theme. The research is qualitative and use questionnaires and interviews with teachers. Data Content Analysis was performed, with categories defined a posteriori. It was finished that the differentiation between national and international works does not depend only on nationality, but also on the type of scientific and pedagogical training of the author, and that the low expressivity is due to four main factors: the appreciation of international culture; the late development of Chemistry in Brazil; teachers' low interest in authorship; and the good quality of the translated books.
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