Interprofessional Education in the perception of teachers: integrative review
Faculty, Interprofessional Education, Health Human Resource TrainingAbstract
To identify, on a deep dive in specific literature, the teacher’s perception of the interprofessional education training on the human resources sector in the healthcare industry. This is an integrative literature review carried out with the following databases and educational portals: SCOPUS, CINAHL, SCIENCE DIRECT, PUBMED, WEB OF SCIENCE, VHL, SCIELO, LILACS and COCHRANE. The timeline considered is from 2014 to 2020, with articles in English, Portuguese and Spanish. The sample consists of 14 articles available in national and international literature. The analysis of the studies made it possible to identify two categories: The first category being “Behavior and facilitating attributes for Interprofessional Education'' and the second “Training for Interprofessional Education”. It verified the positive impact of Interprofessional Education for the development of teachers. The contact of these professionals with Interprofessional Education reduced existing stereotypes among teachers. The interaction between experienced teachers in Interprofessional Education and inexperienced teachers has proved to be an alternative for strengthening the strategy and improving healthcare education.
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