The child has rights: How do they materialize in early childhood education?
Pedagogical materials, Education and care for babies, Right to educationAbstract
This article is an excerpt from a finished research that aimed to investigate the materiality of municipal public daycare centers in Campina Grande, Paraíba. The focus of this article will be the right of babies and teachers to the availability of diversified pedagogical materials, adequate to the specificity of children, in sufficient numbers for everyone to have access to the different educational possibilities arising from this material in the nursery space. Qualitative and quantitative research was carried out in 2018 in two public day care centers in the city of Campina Grande, PB. The pedagogical materials were counted and catalogued. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with eight nursery teachers who worked in the institutions. The analyzes were carried out under the assumptions of Bardin's Content Analysis. The questions: what is the materiality that babies have access to in public institutions? What are the sources of acquisition of these materials? What are considered teaching materials for nurseries? guided the investigation. The results show that the state has contributed to the materiality of institutions although, from the perspective of the teachers, it is still necessary to complement it. It´s also noted the existence of a partnership between the state and some private institutions in this role. Institutions, in turn, in order to complement the material made available by public bodies both at the federal and municipal levels, have adopted strategies with the school community and society in general for the acquisition of pedagogical materials, mainly children's literature books.
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