History teachers’ conceptions


  • Andréia de Assis Ferreira
  • Paulo Cezar Santos Ventura


Historical Education, Technological Education, Teachers’ Conceptions. Teaching of History.


This article is resulted of the master’s degree research that involved, on a side, the contributions of the Education Computer science (IE) for the process of teaching-learning of History and, of other, the relationship that the teachers of that discipline establish with IE and their difficulties in if they adapt of that technology. The questionnaire, correspondent the all teachers of History of the RME/BH, the most appropriate instrument were shown for this research. In the analysis of the data, we used the statistical package SPSS, for counting with resources as the crossing of multiple answers and correlation of variables. The study lifted some information about the teachers’ of History conceptions concerning IE, in order to contribute for the development of that area and for the elaboration and implementation of more efficient proposals gone back to the improvement of the teaching of History starting from the use of IE.

How to Cite

Ferreira, A. de A., & Ventura, P. C. S. (2007). History teachers’ conceptions. Education, 32(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufsm.br/reveducacao/article/view/685



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